Established in 1967, The GRONK Radio Network is a network of Remotely Controlled Base Stations, also known as Remote Stations or Remote Bases, operating primarily in the UHF Amateur Radio band 420-450MHz. Operating continuously for over 50 years, GRONK remains the first & longest operating intermountain Amateur Radio Network of such remote relay stations. Our founders pioneered the concept of a dedicated network, inspiring many who followed. The Southwest where GRONK began is a dream come true with its many high mountains affording grand vistas and long radio hauls. With the vision of a handful of friends, their enthusiasm & experimentation, and plenty of hard work, an institution was born. (Be sure to read more of the history in our Background section!)
GRONK endures with the vigor of its members, coming from many walks of life. We share a common love of amateur radio, experimentation, communication, innovation, technical excellence, camaraderie, lending a helpful hand to our fellow ham, and contributing to our community. GRONK supports the activities of many other groups, often behind the scenes or with little fanfare. Every group has its own unique character, and we encourage this diversity. We're the "Un-Cola" of the radio scene, and whether we're the flavor for you or not, the best way to know is experience. Ours is a membership-based organization, but be not discouraged. We welcome new interest! Learn more about participating on our member info page.
We believe in tried & true technologies. Likewise, we enjoy experimenting! While primarily focused around an analog radio system, we thrive amidst the digital age. We began the journey with tubes, giving way to solid state, and now the wonders of FPGA & DSP in SDRs. We've long used APCO Project 25 (P25) as our digital flavor of choice, and have P25 augmenting some of our analog coverage. Also in the digital realm, we've integrated AllStar RoIP (Radio over Internet Protocol) into our network. This adds greatly to our flexibility. What a Fine Thing indeed! We and our Affiliates form a geographically diverse network of cooperating stations and groups furthering our enjoyment of the hobby, and our ability to provide public service.
If you're a "techie" and like getting hands-on, check us out. While talking is part-in-parcel with radio, any good group needs do-ers. We have many projects and look forward to bringing aboard those enthusiastic about radio in its many facets!
For additional information contact
Matt W6XC